8/1/2023 - EHA's Draft 2023-2024 MTW Supplement Amendment and Capital Fund Plan are Available for Review7/7/2023 - Resident Advisory Board Meeting to Discuss MTW Supplement Amendment5/9/2023 - Community Meeting to Discuss the Park District3/20/2023 - Select Everett Housing Authority Waiting Lists Closed2/15/2023 - January 2023 Park District Public Meeting Materials2/9/2023 - EHA's Draft 2023-2024 Annual Plan, MTW Supplement, and Capital Fund Plan are Available for Review1/27/2023 - EHA: MTW Waivers Meeting February 7 at 1:30 PM1/1/2023 - Resident Advisory Board Meeting on EHA's Annual Plan 2023-2410/20/2022 - EHA Park District Featured in Everett Herald9/30/2022 - EHA Hosts Vaccination Clinics Across Properties9/6/2022 - Everett Housing Authority Receives A+ Credit Rating, Secures Successful Bond Insurance for Huntington Park7/19/2022 - Everett Housing Authority Waiting Lists Open: July 26, 20224/1/2022 - EHA Offices: By Appointment Only3/24/2022 - Everett Housing Authority Purchases Huntington Park, Furthering Community-Focused Strategic Plan1/13/2022 - EHA's 2022-23 Draft Annual Plan and MTW Supplement Available for Review1/6/2022 - EHA Invites You to Our MTW Waivers Meeting11/30/2021 - Resident Advisory Board Meeting on EHA's Annual Plan for 2022-2311/16/2021 - Baker Heights Community Input Meetings Have Concluded!10/19/2021 - EHA Accepted into MTW Demonstration Program6/16/2021 - Village East Waitlist Opening June 18, 2021