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Tiered Rent Study FAQs

Q: Why is EHA implementing the Tiered Rent Study?
A: EHA is implementing the study to test out a new way of setting rents for employment-focused (non-elderly, non-disabled) households, to see if the new rent policy helps households increase their income and creates less paperwork for households and EHA. Half of eligible households will pay rent under the new Tiered Rent policy and half will pay rent under the existing rent policy so we can compare the outcomes for both groups.

Q: Who will be part of the new Tiered Rent Study?
A: Only non-elderly, non-disabled households will be eligible for the new rent policy. In addition, certain other households, including households who are currently participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) program, are also excluded. Eligible households will be randomly selected to either pay the new rent or the current rent. Half of eligible households will be part of the new rent policy and half will pay the current rent. 

Q: If I am elderly or have a disability, how will the Tiered Rent policy affect me?
A: Elderly and disabled households will not be a part of the Tiered Rent policy. 

Q: What age is considered elderly in order to be exempt from the Tiered Rent Study? 
A: HUD has defined "elderly" as anyone 62 years of age and older. If the head of household will become 62 in the next six years (the time period of this study), they will not be selected for participation in the Tiered Rent Study.

Q: I am the head of household and disabled, but my spouse or co-head is not. Will this make us eligible for the Tiered Rent Study?
Participants will not be selected for the Tiered Rent Study if the head or co-head of the household is elderly and/or disabled.

Q: When will the new Tiered Rent Study start? 
A: The new rent policy will go into effect December 2022. We will begin the process of enrolling families starting August 2022, with their first month of annuals falling in December.

Q: Do I have to participate in this new Tiered Rent Study?
A: If you are eligible, yes. When EHA invites you to take part in the policy, you may choose not to consent to providing additional information to EHA's research partners.

Q: How will the new Tiered Rent Policy be different?
Here are some examples of how the Tiered Rent policy might help EHA participants and residents:

  • Example 1:
    • Current Rent Policy: You need to recertify your income every year.
    • Tiered Rent Policy: You only have to recertify your income every 3 years. If you have an increase, you do not have to report it. If you have a decrease in income, you can report if you would like to receive a hardship exemption to temporarily reduce your rent.
  • Example 2:
    • Current Rent Policy: The amount you pay for rent changes every year.
    • Tiered Rent Policy: The amount you pay for rent may stay the same for up to 3 years.
  • Example 3: 
    • Current Rent Policy: EHA staff spend a lot of time on administrative work.
    • Tiered Rent Policy: EHA staff can spend less time on administrative work and more time helping participants and residents.

Q: How can I give feedback to EHA about this Tiered Rent Study?
A: Visit our MTW landing page for additional news and contact information. 

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