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Request for Proposals: Section 8 Project-Based Voucher Program

Date Posted: 05/11/2021
Category: Public Notice

Everett Housing Authority
Request for Proposals
Section 8
Project-Based Voucher Program

The Everett Housing Authority (EHA) creates affordable housing, fosters healthy communities where households thrive, and replaces systemic racism with equity for all. EHA is seeking to provide up to 30 project-based vouchers. The units that receive project-based vouchers must specifically be made available to house individuals and families who meet the definition of homeless under section 103 of the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11302). 

EHA is seeking proposals for newly constructed housing. To be eligible, construction must not begin on the project until after the proposal is selected pursuant to the execution of an Agreement to Enter into a Housing Assistance Payments contract (AHAP). Projects must be located within Snohomish County.  For projects with nine or more units, EHA will charge a fee of $7,500 for monitoring of compliance with Davis Bacon wage requirements. 

Project-based vouchers are subject to regulations found at 24 CFR Part 983 and in Chapter 17 of the EHA Administrative Plan.

Proposals should be submitted in hard copy to the Everett Housing Authority located at 3107 Colby Ave Everett, WA 98201 Attn: Wendy Westby, or electronically via Email to Wendy by no later than 5 pm on June 29, 2021. Incomplete and late proposals will not be reviewed

Proposal Package

  • Proposal for Project Based Vouchers must include the following elements: 
  • A description of the site and neighborhood, including the poverty rate of the site census tract and a description of how the project will deconcentrate poverty and expand housing and economic opportunities.
  • A description of how the site conforms with the site selection standards outlined in EHA's Administrative Plan Chapter 17-IIG. 
  • A description of the housing to be constructed or rehabilitated, including the number of units by square footage, the number of units per building, bedroom count, bathroom count, unit plans, accessibility features and listing of amenities and services. 
  • The proposed contract rent per unit and a breakdown of the utilities to be paid by the tenant and by the owner. 
  • An estimated date of completion or availability for occupancy. 
  • Evidence of ownership/site control. 
  • Evidence of compliance with the environmental review requirements under 24 CFR Section 983.58.
  • Evidence that the proposed new construction or rehabilitation is permitted by current zoning ordinances or regulations. 
  • A description of all HUD and/or other Federal, State, or local governmental assistance received or anticipated (Form HUD-2880). 
  • An operating pro forma. 
  • Information about the owner: 
  • Names of the proposed owner entity and other project principals, shareholders, investors, and other parties having a substantial project interest (information on principals not known at initial submission must be provided to EHA as soon as the information is available); and the property management company if applicable; 
  • Certification that the above parties are not on the U.S. General Services Administration list of parties excluded from Federal procurement and non-procurement programs; 
  • Whether the proposed owner entity is a public agency, private non-profit agency, or private for-profit agency; 
  • Disclosure of any possible conflict of interest by any of these parties that would violate the HAP Contract Agreement; 
  • A description of the qualifications and experience of the proposed owner in serving the proposed target population; 
  • A description of the owner's experience and capability to build or rehabilitate housing; and 
  • Owner's plan for managing and maintaining units.  
  • Evidence that units will specifically be made available to house individuals and families who meet the definition of homeless under section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. 
  • If PBV assistance is being requested for more than the greater of 25 units or 25% of the units in a project, evidence that the units will exclusively be made available to households eligible for supportive services. Including: 
  • A description of the target population and services to be provided. 
  • Evidence that the services will be provided on-site or be reasonably available to families living in the project. 
  • Evidence that the services will be designed to help the families in the project achieve self-sufficiency or live in the community as independently as possible. 
  • A proposed initial contract term of not more than 1 and not less than 20 years.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Whether the project is eligible to receive PBV assistance, in accordance with HUD regulations (24 CFR 983.53 and 983.54) and EHA's Administrative Plan. (Threshold requirement) 
  • Whether the units will specifically be made available to house individuals and families who meet the definition of homeless under section 103 of the McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. (Threshold requirement) 
  • Conceptual Soundness and Project Readiness (20 points) 
  • Owner experience and capability to build or rehabilitate housing. (10 points) 
  • Evidence of financing and/or lender interest. (10 points) 
  • Site Standards (30 points) 
  • Extent to which site conforms with the site selection standards outlined in EHA's Administrative Plan Chapter 17-IIG (10 points) 
  • Extent to which the project furthers the EHA goal of deconcentrating poverty and expanding housing and economic opportunities. Properties located in census tracts with less than 20% poverty will be scored highest in this domain. Properties located in census tracts with greater than 20% poverty concentration will receive points if they can demonstrate that PBV assistance will complement other local redevelopment activities designed to deconcentrate poverty and expand housing and economic opportunities. (10 points) 
  • Extent to which the project provides opportunities for households to live in mixed-income communities. Projects with less than 25 units or 25 percent of the units assisted will be rated higher than projects with more than 25 units or 25 percent of the units assisted. In the case of projects for occupancy by the elderly or families eligible for supportive services, the PHA will rate partially assisted projects on the percent of units assisted. (10 points)

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